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Covid Alert Level Lowered to Level 3


Today the UK Government lowered the Covid-19 alert level in England. We are now at Level Three, this means that the virus is considered to be "in general circulation" and there can be a "gradual relaxation of restrictions".

Everyone should still be careful, avoid gathering in groups and only use public transport if absolutely necessary. Face coverings are also now mandatory on all public transport.

We are able to meet in small groups, some households are now able to create a bubble with another, shops and leisure attractions can open and schools are opening up for more age groups.

Even though restrictions have eased you should still be vigilant. If you have any symptoms then you must let people who you have been in contact with and isolate for 14 days. You can also get a test.

Hopefully, from July, Restaurants, Coffee Shops and pubs will be able to reopen.

Nannies and Families should continue to practice good hygiene, minimise contact with people outside your household and avoid public transport if possible.

We are as always available to help Families and Nannies negotiate their way through these unprecedented times.

Please get in touch if you have any questions.

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