This morning we have seen several people asking what will happen over the next month if you need to update your First Aid.
We have contacted Claire at Child Matters to find out what the latest news is. She got back to us very quickly with the following.
"I am still waiting to receive official guidance from awarding bodies in relation to courses and whether they are considered essential. There is much speculation coming from various sources, but remain unconfirmed and unclear still.
As a service which brings groups together in public venues I wish to exercise caution and need to consider moral obligations given the current situation. Until official guidance and possible exemption is detailed by the Government I am preparing to reschedule courses from 5th November - 2nd December to dates thereafter.
We still anticipate many venues still likely to be closing from Thursday, therefore moving courses for the month may be the only viable option available to me.
At this stage (Tue 3rd November) we will be patient until official guidelines are released. We understand the Department for Education intend to release more detailed guidance today, or more likely tomorrow. Hopefully this will give answers and perhaps an extension on certificates due to expire? We continue to seek advice from official sources within our awarding organisations also.
To ensure we are prepared, I am in the process of scheduling extra courses to ensure I can offer alternatives and anticipate all the updated information will be available tomorrow.
We will endeavour to get a further update to you at the earliest opportunity. Please bear with me and in the meantime anyone with a booking for the Blended Courses can continue with online courses in advance of the classroom day.
I will be in contact again,"
As soon as we receive anymore information we will pass it straight on.
Thank you Claire for your swift response its really appreciated.
